Partner With Us
We are seeking to raise $160k per year in financial support for our first seven years to cover living and ministry expenses so that we and our core team on the coast can fully invest our time to reach the lost and share the gospel in Ocean Springs. We are close to being fully funded. Help get us there!
To give online, click the Give button below.
Checks can also be sent payable to
"Mission to North America"
PO Box 890233
Charlotte, NC, 28289-02333.
Please write “Mark Horn, Ocean Springs Church Plant” on the memo line.
We invite you to regularly pray for us, for our efforts to reach the lost of Ocean Springs, and for the church plant that will grow up around lost people coming to Jesus.
If you would like to receive news of what God is doing through our regular prayer letter updates, sign up below
Tell Others
If you or someone you know lives in the Ocean Springs area, we would love to connect in person.