It Was One of Those Mondays

The kind where there is more to be done than there is time to do it. I had stopped by a sister church, one of the churches on our team. A place I would have liked to linger and catch up with the pastor and staff. But lack of time meant it had to be a quick stop. There is always so much to do as a pastor. Sermons to study and write. Meetings to plan. Counseling that has to be done, and visits that have to be made. And I find myself, now as a church planter, busier than ever. So it was on this day, and I had to be back in Ocean Springs for an appointment with a member of our core group, so I was on the road, driving east. It was a clear, sunny day, and Highway 90 on the Mississippi coast is a beautiful drive. Live oak trees, the veterans of decades or even centuries, and untold numbers of hurricanes, line the street, which parallels white, sandy beaches and a gorgeous view of the gulf of Mexico. But today, I didn’t have time, or wasn’t taking the time, to notice or appreciate any of that. I had things to do. Places to be. And then it happened.

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What Counts as Success in a Church Plant?


“Tell Me About Your Church”